17th Biennial European Conference

Special Focus on Personalized and Value-Based Health Care

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June 10 - June 12, 2018

Leiden, The Netherlands


The Society for Medical Decision Making is pleased to announce its 17th Biennial SMDM European Conference will be held 10-12 June, 2018 in Leiden, The Netherlands. Leiden is a beautiful historic city, and only 20 minutes by direct train from Schiphol International Airport.

For decades, SMDM members have sought to improve decision making, incorporating the strength of current evidence and methods to weigh risks and benefits from the perspectives of the individual, health system, and society. The 2018 conference special focus is on Personalized and Value-Based Health Care.

Our aim is to bring together high quality oral and poster presentations from health services research, psychology, epidemiology, health economics, and other scientific disciplines involved in the study of medical decision making. The combination of short courses, symposia and research presentations continues to foster lively debates and deeper understandings of how our scientific research can be applied to improve care.

Conference attendees will enjoy opportunities to interact with leaders in prediction and decision modelling, cost-effectiveness analysis, implementation research, shared decision making, and the other areas encompassed by medical decision making, as well as with policy makers at both the hospital and national level.

Conference Co-Chairs: Anne M. Stiggelbout, PhD (The Netherlands) and Ewout W. Steyerberg, PhD (The Netherlands)

Scientific Review Co-Chairs: Beate Jahn, PhD (Austria) and Arwen Pieterse, PhD (The Netherlands)

Scientific Review Committee: Reto Auer, MD, MAS (Switzerland), Marieke de Vries, PhD (The Netherlands), Peder Halvorsen, MD, PhD (Norway), Jesper Nielsen, PhD (Denmark), Carlos Martin Saborido, PhD (Spain), Uwe Siebert, MD, MPH, MSc, ScD (Austria), Johanna Takkenberg, MD, PhD (The Netherlands), Jef van den Ende, MD, PhD (Belgium) 

Short Course Co-Chairs: Hilary Bekker, PhD (United Kingdom) and Elske van den Akker-van Marle, PhD (The Netherlands)

Lusted Award Co-Chairs: Olga Kostopoulou, PhD, MSc (United Kingdom) and Torbjørn Wisløff, PhD​ (Norway)

The 17th Biennial European Conference is pleased to announce that it is certified as a Patients Included Conference.


MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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