46th Annual Meeting - Call for Abstracts Open!
SMDM 46th Annual Meeting
27 - 30 October, 2024
Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Call for Abstracts Open! Submissions for Poster, Oral, and Lusted Prize Competition now being accepted through 17 May!
SMDM 46th Annual Meeting
Theme: The Future of Medical Decision Making... in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence.
Dates: Monday, 27 October - Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Location: George Sherman Union, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Abstract submission deadline: 17 May, 2024
Please e-mail any abstract submission questions to Info@SMDM.org
General Rules for All Submissions
Abstracts should report original work that:
• has not been published or accepted for publication in manuscript form prior to abstract submission.
• has not been previously presented at a national or international scientific meeting, including any prior SMDM meetings.
• is not identical to a previously published abstract. -
Abstracts may reflect a similar body of research to that published or presented in any of the above categories but should include new aspects of work (i.e., findings, results, analyses, or interpretation).
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 17 May 2024
June 2024: All submissions are reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee
Notifications sent to presenting authors: 25 July 2024
Abstract Categories
Abstracts may be submitted for consideration as:
an oral presentation
a poster presentation
either format.
Abstract Content Categories
Scientific abstracts are welcome in a wide range of topics relevant to medical decision making. For review and scheduling purposes, submitted abstracts will be grouped in the following categories. Authors will be required to select the appropriate category for their abstract upon submission.
Decision Psychology and Shared Decision Making (DEC)
Applied Health Economics (AHE)
Health Services, Outcomes and Policy Research (HSOP)
Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments (QMTD)
Patient and Stakeholder Preferences and Engagement (PSPE)
Lee B. Lusted Student Prize Competition
The Lee B. Lusted Student Prizes are awarded for outstanding student posters at the Annual Meeting. The competition is named after Dr. Lee B. Lusted, a leader in advancing medical decision making as a field, founding member of the Society in 1979, and the first editor of the Journal of Medical Decision Making. Two awards are given in each of the five SMDM Scientific Areas of Interest. To be eligible for the Lusted Student Prize Competition, the first author on the abstract must be enrolled in a degree granting program, a resident/fellow in a clinical training program, or postdoctoral research fellow at the time of abstract submission.
Note: Abstracts that are selected for the Student Prize Competition are not eligible for oral presentation.
Abstract Format:
Title: Should be brief and should clearly indicate the content of the paper. Abbreviations may not be used in abstract titles.
Authors: Enter authors' names and institutional affiliations in separate fields. If an author does not have an institutional affiliation, indicate their city, state/province, and country. Omit titles, degree, institutional appointments, street names, and postal codes. If you have an X handle, please indicate it in your author profile during the “Authors” step of the submission process.
Length: 375 word maximum, excluding title and author information.
Organization of the body of the abstract as follows:
• Purpose of the study, preferably one sentence.
• Methods used to conduct the research in sufficient detail to evaluate their appropriateness and novelty.
• Results, stated in sufficient detail to support conclusions. It is not satisfactory to state “Results will be discussed” or “Data will be presented.”
• Conclusions reached.
Confirmation & Abstract Edits
Upon completion of your submission, a confirmation will be emailed to you. To ensure delivery of messages to you, please whitelist e-mail from the domain “affinityced.com” in your e-mail program and at your e-mail provider.
If you wish to edit your submission, prior to the 17 May deadline, please email info@SMDM.org and staff can open your abstract for edits.
Member Stories

Xiongfei Pan, BSc
"The most benefits I get from the membership are getting informed of up-to-date information on health decision making as well as resources and tools for professionals in this area."
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MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.