St. Louis in Review

An overview of the 37th SMDM Annual North American Meeting in St. Louis, MO. Included are audio and video recordings, photos, and a Storify news story via Twitter. 

Principles of Effective Data Visualization
Audio Recording

Slide Presentation

Panel Discussion: Decision Making Among Vulnerable Populations New to the Health Care System:
Video Recording

Introduction to Implementation Science:
Slide Presentation

Select Abstract Sessions:
Improving Information Presentation and Processing 
Affective Experiences and Decision Making 
Shared Decision Making and Decision Support Interventions

Pictures from the SMDM 37th Annual Meeting - Oct. 18-21, 2015

Storify - #SMDM15


Member Stories

Dana Alden, PhD
Dana Alden, PhD

"I never felt that I was a newcomer even though I was"

 continue »

MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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