Post a Job
Advertise your job or fellowship position in the SMDM newsletter and in SMDM Connect, the member resource center!
When you submit a job posting, your announcement will be posted in three highly visible locations:
The SMDM Connect career center
The SMDM quarterly e-newsletter, available to over 1,000 members worldwide
SMDM will "tweet" your announcement and a direct link to your application to our followers on Twitter
Current Sizes and Prices:
Classified ads (up to 35 words), $50
Quarter-page ads (approx. 150 words), $150
Half-page ads (approx. 300 words), $250
Full-page ads (approx. 500 words), $400
Download the SMDM Newsletter and Website Insertion Order Form
Please submit along with your order form the text for your ad in a word document which will be used on SMDM Connect, and a direct link for the job posting so we can share via Twitter.
If you have any questions please contact the SMDM Staff at
Interested in advertising a service or other non-job related announcement? Consider MDM Journal!
Advertising in the Journal: Newsletter and job advertisements are separate from those found in the MDM Journal. For information on advertising in our journal, please email
Become a Member
SMDM members contribute critically to health policy research in the areas of evidence-based medicine, cost effective health care, patient decision making and public health. SMDM helps you to be more than just a face in the crowd. The connections you make through SMDM can help you build a network of long-term contacts to help you throughout your career.
Member Stories
Claudia Pereira, PhD, MS
"It has been a pleasure to be a link between Brazil and my colleagues from around the world through conferences, teleconferences, short-courses and exchange of ideas."
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MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.