Please Consider Donating to SMDM

SMDM appreciates contributions at all levels. Your generous donation will be used directly towards the fund of your choice.

Annual Giving:




Support for SMDM's Goals

Your gift will be used to support the programs and services SMDM undertakes to further our goals of promoting medical decision making principles to new audiences and throughout the world. Programs include training for researchers, clinicians and decision makers, mentoring and networking opportunities for our members and outreach on continents seeking knowledge of and training in medical decision making principles. Click here to read SMDM’s strategic plan.

Dedicated Donations

You can make your donation in honor of or in memory of anyone. The SMDM would be happy to alert the person, or the family of the person, to whom you wish to dedicate your SMDM donation.

LMIC and Trainee Scholarship Fund

Your gift will help support trainees and those residing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries attend the SMDM Annual Meeting and receive one year of membership.  In 2020, enough funding was donated to support 48 scholarships to attend the Annual Virtual Meeting.

Dependent Care Fund

The SMDM Dependent Care Fund supports meeting attendees who need assistance with child, elder, or partner care ("dependent care") in order to fully attend SMDM meetings. Gifts typically support 3 attendees for each Annual Meeting.

Lee B. Lusted Student Prize Fund

The Lee B. Lusted Student Prize Fund recognizes and supports 10 young decision makers for outstanding presentations of research at SMDM meetings each year. Click here to learn more about these awards.

The Sandy Schwartz  SMDM Young Scholars Award

The Society of Medical Decision Making (SMDM) has created a new award in honor of the incredible work, mentorship, and friendship that Sandy provided to SMDM members and the health policy research community over the course of his career. The Sandy Schwartz SMDM Young Scholars Award will support the early career development of a young Scholar through attendance at an SMDM annual meeting, making connections to trainees and scholars in our field, and providing research mentorship. The award will include support for membership to SMDM and travel to an SMDM meeting to receive their award.  You can donate to this award here, and please confirm this donation is in honor of Sandy Schwartz.


View Our 2024 Donations and Lifetime Donors List

View Our 2023 Donations and Lifetime Donors List


A Gift with Lasting Impact

A growing number of generous individuals are choosing to support their favorite causes by making a gift to charity in their wills and trusts. You can make a gift to the Society for Medical Decision Making of a set dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or what is left after taking care of your loved ones. Bequests to the Society are entirely free from federal estate tax and there is no limit on the amount you can leave to the Society or any other charitable organization through your estate.

While attorneys are responsible for the legal aspects of estate planning, we are pleased to provide the following sample bequest language as a courtesy to our members:

I bequeath to the
Society for Medical Decision Making
136 Everett Road, Albany, NY, USA

the sum of $____ (or "___%" or "the rest, residue and remainder of my estate") to further the field of medical decision making (or "to support the Lee B. Lusted Student Prize" or "to support the annual meeting").

For more information about making a gift through your estate, to create an endowment to support SMDM in perpetuity, or to notify SMDM of an estate gift, please contact the SMDM Office at (518) 621-2107, send an e-mail to, or write to the Society for Medical Decision Making at the following address:

Society for Medical Decision Making
136 Everett Road, 
Albany, NY 12205 USA
Tax ID number: 31-0992960

Thank you for considering creating a legacy through your support for the Society for Medical Decision Making!


Member Stories

Laurent Metz, MD, MBA
Laurent Metz, MD, MBA

"Through the SMDM network I have been in contact with SMDM members in Asia Pacific"

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MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

Learn More >