SMDM Shared Set of Values and Expectations Regarding Conduct
Updated October 2019
Per SMDM’s statement of Values, SMDM welcomes everyone with an interest in having a positive impact on decision making in health care. In particular, we value the inspiring, energizing, respectful, collegial, and friendly learning environment that the Society provides.
SMDM also believes that productive, meaningful, and respectful interactions occur when all participants have a set of shared expectations and understandings regarding both individual and societal conduct.
This document outlines the expectations of all participants in SMDM activities, which includes all SMDM members, staff, event attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers. These expectations apply to all SMDM conferences and events, SMDM-affiliated social events, SMDM committees, and SMDM-related online media.
At SMDM, we discuss the work, not the person.
- We are careful to evaluate research or ideas based on their characteristics.
- We recognize that work does not define an individual, nor does an individual define a work’s value. -
At SMDM, we demonstrate respect for others’ time and attention through clarity and brevity in our interactions.
- We believe that question-and-answer interactions are a means of advancing the understanding of the work.
- We do not use question and answer interactions as an opportunity for general comment or self-promotion.
- We do our best to keep our questions concise and focused.
- We share the discussion time with others. -
At SMDM, we believe that criticism should always be constructive, balanced, and actionable.
- We take responsibility for our statements.
- We acknowledge the value of work even as we identify concerns or flaws.
- We always provide constructive criticism with the goal of making the work better. -
At SMDM, we value respect.
- We expect to be acknowledged for our contributions to the SMDM community.
- We commit to acknowledging the breadth of people and ideas in SMDM as a fundamental part of our strength and identity. -
At SMDM, we acknowledge that the impact of words or actions is defined by the audience, not the speaker or actor.
- While we presume the speaker or actor has positive intent, we openly allow expression of concerns over the impact that others’ words or actions have on us.
- We commit to listen with an open mind to others’ responses to our words and actions. -
At SMDM we do our best to acknowledge, respect, and support local customs, cultures, and environments.
- We work towards making our presence an opportunity to engage with local communities and have them benefit from engaging with us. -
At SMDM, we seek to recognize whenever differentials in interpersonal dynamics, cultural norms / practices, or organizational structures are inhibiting people’s ability to speak up, be heard, and have influence in SMDM.
- In particular, we seek to consider and offset the influence of:
Gender (including pregnancy status),
Gender identity,
Sexual orientation,
Race / ethnicity / color / culture,
Physical size,
Visible and invisible (dis)abilities,
Language, dialect, or language facility,
Career stage or rank,
Academic, industry, or organizational affiliation,
Country of origin,
Nationality / citizenship, and
Tenure or status within SMDM -
At SMDM, we state unequivocally that harassment and disrespect are unacceptable in any form.
- Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
Unwelcome behaviour that demeans or embarrasses a person or group for any reason,
Offensive or inappropriate remarks, gestures, material, or behavior,
Sustained disruption of a speaker,
Inappropriate jokes or cartoons including gendered, racial, ethnic, or religious slurs,
Yelling, belittling, or reprimanding in the presence of others,
Aggressive behavior,
Sexual harassment or unwelcome attention,
Damaging gossip or rumours,
Unwarranted or unwanted physical contact,
Social media disparagement, and
Retribution as a result of making a complaint under this code, including reprisal actions which take place outside of SMDM events.
Contact Us to Report an Incident
If you experience or observe any situation in which the expectations outlined in our “Shared Set of Values and Expectations Regarding Conduct” at SMDM are violated, please immediately report the incident by either (a) using the form available on the SMDM website or (b) contacting an SMDM staff member or SMDM Executive Board member.
Complaints of failures to adhere to these conduct expectations will be taken seriously, handled with care, and thoroughly investigated. If necessary or appropriate, we will be happy to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance.
SMDM’s Commitment
SMDM will immediately seek to promote positive behavior change if a participant engages in behavior that violates the above expectations, especially any form of harassment or disrespectful conduct. However, SMDM reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate, including warning the offender, expulsion from the event without a refund at the discretion of SMDM, and/or contacting venue security or local law enforcement. Offenders may be excluded from attending or presenting at future SMDM events, and SMDM members may have their membership revoked per the SMDM by-laws.
By attending an SMDM event, you are hereby agreeing to this code of conduct.
Member Stories

Holly Witteman, PhD
"SMDM played a major role in helping me launch my career. I found my postdoc then my faculty position through the Society, and I continue to collaborate with many wonderful people who I first met at the annual meeting."
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MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.