Virtual Course - Individual simulation in excel using DICE
Learn the concepts of individual level simulation using the DICE approach. Learn how to design and implement a DICE model to structure microsimulations and discrete event simulations.
Intermediate Level Course
Pre-requisites: Familiar with basic Excel syntax, formulas and tables. Registrants will receive a link to download all course materials, including the DICE enginge.
J. Jaime Caro, MDCM, FRCPC, FACP, Professor in practice, LSE; Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, Biostatistics (adj), McGill University; Honorary Visiting Professor with the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore; Chief Scientist, Evidera. For Germany’s IQWiG, Dr. Caro proposed an innovative approach to health technology assessment, involving efficiency frontiers. His recent work involves leveraging hybrid growth/decay functions to forecast highly local COVID 19 trajectories; development of DICE 2.0, a unified approach to modeling that enables rapid, standardized and less error-prone forecasting models; a broader approach than QALYs to value health benefits, the BADIE. He led ISPOR- SMDM’s task forces for Good Modeling Practices and Modeling Quality Assurance, and chairs ISPOR’s Science and Research Committee.
Jörgen Möller, MSc, is Vice President, Modeling Technologies with Evidera. He specializes in simulating complex systems and played a key role in simulating the re-design of the Swedish national postal distribution system, the extension of Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, and the utilization of surgical theatres at Malmö University Hospital. Intrigued by the dearth of simulation in pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research, Mr. Möller joined Caro Research (now part of Evidera) in 2003 as a specialist in discrete event simulation (DES) and has been instrumental in implementing DES as a modeling tool in HTA. His focus has been on translating methods from operations research to pharmacoeconomics and on developing guidelines for this type of modeling. Mr. Möller has created more than forty DES models in the areas of devices and pharmaceuticals. Since discretely integrated condition-event (DICE) modeling was devised by Dr. Caro in 2016, Mr. Möller has been deeply involved in the development of the technical platforms for DICE. He also conducts advanced training courses in DES, the ARENA-software and DICE. Mr. Möller received an MSc-degree in mechanical engineering at Lund University, Sweden and have the pleasure of being Honorary Associate Professor, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore.
Registration Opening in September.
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November 12, 2024
MDM Journal
MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.