News: Policy

Latest News, Announcements and Highlights from the Society.

First Articles Available for NEW Open Access Journal, Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice

SMDM is pleased to announce the launch of a new, open access journal, titled Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice (MDM P&P). 

Click here to view the first collection of articles.

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Filed In: Policy

Comment on draft update to CE in Health and Medicine

The Second Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine is posting for public comment selected draft chapters for its updated book, Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine

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Filed In: Policy

SMDM Joins Others in Support of Funding for AHRQ

SMDM joins 40 other healthcare groups requesting that the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Human Services, Education and Related Agencies provide AHRQ with $375 million in base discretionary funding in FY 2015

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Filed In: Policy

SMDM Signs onto letter from the Coalition for Health Funding

Our health is inextricably linked to our mission readiness on the battlefield, our productivity on the job, our educational attainment in the classroom, and our competitiveness around the world. Federal agencies and programs have a unique role in enhancing Americans’ health and well-being. Investment in these areas has and will continue to show returns on taxpayer dollars.

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Filed In: Policy

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Member Stories

Xiongfei Pan, BSc
Xiongfei Pan, BSc

"The most benefits I get from the membership are getting informed of up-to-date information on health decision making as well as resources and tools for professionals in this area."

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MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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