SMDM 2024-2027 Strategic Planning

Your feedback is requested!

The Society for Medical Decision Making is preparing a new 3 year strategic plan to help guide Society activities and priorities. As an active member of SMDM, we’d like to hear from you about what you think the Society should do in the upcoming years.

Context: After weathering several difficult pandemic years and changes in management, the Society’s finances are gradually improving. Important upcoming changes to the annual meeting, one of the Society’s core activities, seek to better represent the Society’s international focus (rotating between 2 North American and 1 European meeting every 3 years) and reduce costs (using academic institutions as venues and moving to a summer conference). The journals, another core activity, have good impact factors, reach, and the ability to publish our science. Year-round education programs, such as webinars, have proven to be popular. We have a collaboration with IPDAS, whose work will soon be hosted on SMDM’s web site. On the other hand, membership has been in a decline for some time, taxing our dedicated volunteer members and limiting the Society’s ability to take on new projects.

Check your inbox for a survey link. We hope you will assist us by completing the brief survey by 27 May. The survey will take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete.


Member Stories

Claudia Pereira, PhD, MS
Claudia Pereira, PhD, MS

"It has been a pleasure to be a link between Brazil and my colleagues from around the world through conferences, teleconferences, short-courses and exchange of ideas."

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MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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