2024 Call for Officers and Trustees

The Nominating Committee of the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) is soliciting nominations for Board positions.

The Nominating Committee of the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) is soliciting nominations for the positions of:

  • President Elect (Three year term)
    President Elect 2024-2025/President 2025-2026/Immediate Past President 2026-2027

  • Vice President Elect (Two year term)
    Vice President Elect 2024-2025/Vice President 2025-2026

  • Secretary-Treasurer-Elect (Three year term)
    Secretary-Treasurer-Elect 2024-2025/Secretary-Treasurer 2025-2027

  • 3 Trustees, one must be International Trustee (Three year terms)

We invite SMDM members to submit the names of members whom you believe would serve the Society well. Self-nominations are encouraged. All candidates will need to have been SMDM members in good standing for at least 3 of the 4 previous years, and candidates for President-Elect and Vice-President-Elect must include evidence of sustained, active involvement in leadership of the Society.

The Nominating Committee will consider all eligible submitted nominees to develop an inclusive and diverse slate of candidates. At least two nominees will be selected for each position. Upon approval of the slate by the Board of Trustees, the list of nominees will be sent to all SMDM members. Additional nominees then will be accepted by petition, as described by the Society’s bylaws.

Click here to submit your nomination.

In the nomination form, please include information about the nominee’s past service and experience with SMDM and related professional groups, and why the nominee would be a positive addition to the SMDM Board. Such detailed information will help the Nominating Committee develop a well-rounded slate of nominees. You will also be asked to confirm that your nominee is willing to serve for the full term if included on the slate and elected. All nominations will remain confidential amongst the Nominating Committee Members until a slate is chosen. All candidates will complete a Board Conflict of Interest and a Board Affirmation Statement.

SMDM Position Descriptions:

President-Elect: The President-Elect is a voting ex officio member of the Board of Trustees and a non-voting member of all committees except s/he shall not be a member of the Nominating Committee. S/he initiates such preparatory measures as are implied by his or her office. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President if s/he is absent or unable to act, and shall assume the office of President in the event it becomes vacant.

The President-Elect shall be installed as President at the annual business meeting of the Society, at which time his or her term as President-Elect expires.

With the advice of the Executive Committee, the President- Elect shall appoint the chairs of the standing committees to serve during his or her term as President as set forth in Article 8.1. With the advice of the chairs so appointed, the President- Elect shall appoint members to fill the vacancies on the standing committees, or the chairs may appoint their own members with the approval of the President-Elect. The Finance Committee, a special case, is described in Article 8.1.3.

With the advice of the Executive Committee and the President, the President-Elect shall appoint certain members of special committees, as provided in Article 8.2.

Vice President-Elect: The Vice President-Elect shall assist the Vice President. The Vice President-Elect is a voting ex officio member of the Board of Trustees. The Vice President-Elect shall be installed as Vice-President at the annual business meeting of the Society, at which time his or her term as Vice President-Elect expires.

Secretary-Treasurer-Elect: The Secretary-Treasurer Elect shall serve on the Finance Committee and assist the Secretary-Treasurer.

Overview of the Selection Process:

Nominations are submitted to the SMDM Nominating Committee for review. The Committee discusses nominees and then ranks all names, anonymously. Scores are tallied and the mean and median are reported back to the Committee. The Committee reviews the ranked lists to ensure there is representation across a variety of criteria, including gender, discipline or domain, and MD vs. non-MD. Adjustments may occur at this stage as the Committee works to develop a balanced slate. The Committee Chair, beginning at the top of the ranked list, contacts nominees asking them to run.

Nominating Committee Membership:

There are five members of the Committee: the immediate Past President who serves as Chair, the past-Past President, and three members in good standing who are elected at the Annual Business Meeting each October. Members of the Committee cannot be nominated to run for a position.
Please email Diane Nickolson, SMDM Executive Director, at DNickolson@SMDM.org with any questions you may have regarding the nomination or election processes.

SMDM 2024 Nominating Committee

Chair: Beate Sander

Members: Olga Kostopoulou
Lauren Cipriano
Tara Lavelle
Ankur Pandya

Deadline for Officer and Trustee Nominations is Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Click here to submit your nominations


Member Stories

Nebiyu Mesfin Gedlu, MD
Nebiyu Mesfin Gedlu, MD

SMDM short courses helped me to understand the multidimensional perspective and comprehensiveness of decision science.

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MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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