Hilton Lam, MHA, PhD

Hilton Lam, MHA, PhD

Ever since I was a PhD student, I found SMDM articles to be of high quality, balanced scientific treatment, and technically accessible.

These articles have helped me in becoming more effective in my interactions with clinicians, and policy makers. Participating in SMDM meetings has been my inspiration to conduct and complete my research as I am confident that the scrutiny of SMDM will improve my future research outputs and methods significantly.


Hilton Lam, MHA, PhD
Director, Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies
UPM National Institutes of Health
Manila, Philippines
Member Since: 2011

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Member Stories

Dana Alden, PhD
Dana Alden, PhD

"I never felt that I was a newcomer even though I was"

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MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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