Board of Trustees

Officers, Trustees, and Staff
History of Board and Trustees


Victoria Shaffer, PhD

President (2024 - 2025)
United States of America

Beate Jahn, PhD

President - Elect (2024 - 2025)

Alan Schwartz, PhD

Past-President (2024 - 2025)
United States of America

Ellen Lipstein, MD, MPH

Vice President (2024 - 2025)
United States of America

Ellen G. Engelhardt, PhD

Vice President-Elect (2024-2025)
The Netherlands

Scott LaJoie, PhD, MSPH

Secretary-Treasurer (2023-2025)
United States of America

Torbjørn Wisløff, PhD

Secretary-Treasurer-Elect (2024-2025)

Scott B. Cantor, PhD

Historian (2023 - 2028)
United States of America


Rowan Iskandar, PhD, MA

Trustee (2023 - 2026)

Hawre Jalal, MD, PhD

Trustee (2024 - 2027)

Natalia Kunst, PhD

Trustee (2022 - 2025)
United Kingdom

Kathryn A. Martinez, PhD, MPH

Trustee (2023 - 2026)
United States of America

Daniel Matlock, MD

Trustee (2023 - 2026)
United States of America

Kine Pedersen, PhD

Trustee (2024 - 2027)

Laura Scherer, PhD

Trustee (2022 - 2025)
United States of America

Ryan Suk, PhD

Trustee (2024 - 2027)
United States of America

Channing Tate, PhD, MPH

Trustee (2022 - 2025)
United States of America

Editorial Office

Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher, PhD

Editor in Chief, Medical Decision Making and Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice
United States of America

Stacy Wennstrom

Editorial Manager, Medical Decision Making

Helen Colby, PhD

Editor in Chief, SMDM e-newsletter
United States of America


Elyssa Ciresi

Association & Meeting Manager

Matthias Besse

Membership & Meeting Director

Karina House

Education & Communications Director

Member Stories

Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD
Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD

"SMDM is my professional home, providing an excellent forum to maintain connections with colleagues and venue to distribute and consume methodologically rigorous, multidisciplinary research."

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MDM Journal

MDM Journal

MDM offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development.

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